I find all of this useful. You might too.
Make it easy to read numbers
Phone numbers: +47 987 65 432 instead of +4798765432
Amounts: $400.000 instead of $400000
Account numbers: 1234 56 78910 instead of 12345678910
etc..Make it easy to copy important data in a chat
55% of internet traffic is from mobile phones1. Marking and copying parts of a text on a phone is an unsolved UX problem, if you’re asking me. So help your recipients by typing text they’re likely to copy in a separate message.Be concise
Don’t write a paragraph when it could’ve been a sentence.Make it easy to remember
“Oh, I have to remember to bring *x thing* when I go to work tomorrow”
Hang something weird on the door handle and you’ll remember.Make it easy for people to help you
- When you ask for intros, give examples, that will point the recipients mind to the right place. That way they’re more likely to help you.2
- If you’re asking for a customer story, do it for yourself. Conduct an interview with your customer, write a draft, get a thumbs up, and use it. Sometimes you can even skip the interview.
- Don’t ask for help on your attempted solution, ask for help on achieving your goal. Your attempted solution might not lead you to your goal.3Multiply or divide by 5?
Divide by 5 = Divide by 10, multiply by 2
Multiply by 5 = Multiply by 10, divide by 2From X per day to per year w/o a calculator?
Multiply by 1000 = 1000X
Divide by 3 = 333,33X
Add 10% = 366,66X
366,7 is usually close enough, but last step for perfection:
Subtract X and 2/3 X = 365X
See for yourself: https://gs.statcounter.com/platform-market-share/desktop-mobile-tablet
See more: https://xyproblem.info/