Thanks for sharing! And indeed a feeling I often have myself. I believe it’s both a superpower and a onde, enabling one to see the holistic, objective picture but at the same time make everything distant and less personal. I recently started to research the concept of flow, awareness and one’s passion or ikigai. To enable and design your life to often be in moments of flow might be a key to fulfillment and happiness. The moments you describe solving the Rubiks or getting lost in the moment skiing or reading might be characterized as flow moments. And I agree that our constant stimulation of our awareness from mobile phones and notifications are making it difficult to just be bored… and get time to be in the moment. Obviously meditation comes in to the picture here… Check out some theory on flow by Csikszentmihalyi … https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/psychology/flow-theory

And while in Asia, try surfing! 🤙🏼 A guaranteed flow creating activity! Happy flowing!

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I appreciate your input and reflections! Will definitely check it out. Thanks :)

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